hikaru starr was born and raised in San Diego, California, in November of 1980. He took his first photography class in high school, and immediately fell in love with the art form. He continued studying it in college, and soon realized that there was nothing else that he wanted to do. In 2005, he moved to Tokyo, Japan, with which he has become very familiar. He lives near there to this day (now in Yokohama), shooting photos daily to constantly improve his skills.
光 スターは1980年11月、カリフォルニアのサンディエゴで誕生。高校の選択美術の授業でなんとなく選んだ写真の世界にはまっていった。大学でも写真のクラスで知識を積み重ねた。そして、すぐに他にしたいことはないと気づいた。2005年に来日。カメラとともに、東京の街を毎日散歩、感性を磨いている。現在は東京から場を変え、横浜を満喫中。

His office/studio is located at:

hikaru starr photography
Heights Green Road 102
2-36-18 Shimosakunobe, Takatsuku
Kawasaki, Kanagawa
213-0033 JAPAN

神奈川県 川崎市 高津区 下作延 2-36-18
hikaru starr photography

Phone number:
(from outside Japan) +81 90-8569-9671
(from inside Japan): 090-8569-9671

NOTE: This studio is not available at the moment.

We can shoot outdoors, or make arrangements for a rental studio (the cost will be the responsibliy of the client).


Professional Photographers of America Color Logo
Proud member of Professional Photographers of America.

hikaru starr is a pseudonym. His real name is Israel Nephi Toskin.
光 スターは芸名。本名は Israel Nephi Toskin。